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Old Boys' Association

World Headquarters Jamaica

7 Upper Musgrave Avenue, Kingston 10. Tel: (876) 927-6686, Fax: (876) 978-6641


Get a group of Munro Boys together and what is the first thing they start to do? That's right - recount stories. Tall tales of Munro life, the meals, the shifts, dusty train and the stalwart Staggy!

This section will serve as a repository of these stories. Munronians across the decades can span the generation gaps, and share stories with each other. You will be able to search, read, and add your stories!

This section will soon be categorised, but in the mean time, please feel free to fill out the form, or e-mail your stories (as text or attatchments) to

Check back soon. Thanks.

Please let us now who you are:


What kind of story would you like to share with us?

Student  Teacher Post Munro Days

What category would you place this in?

Enter your story in the space provided below:

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Last Updated 24-Aug-2001 by Randolph C. King

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